Anhui Guowang Eco Technology CO., Ltd.
Anhui Guowang Eco Technology CO., Ltd.
plastic shredder granulator
plastic recycling pelletizing machine
plastic pellet extruder machine

İki aşamalı plastik geri dönüşüm peletleme makinesi

İki aşamalı plastik geri dönüşüm peletleme makinesi otomatik olarak ve sürekli olarak üretebilir ve doğrudan peletlenebilir ve pelet temizdir ve üretim maliyetlerini büyük ölçüde azaltan ve üretim verimliliğini artıran kirlilik ve yaşlanmadan arındırılır.

İki aşamalı plastik geri dönüşüm peletleme makinesi uygulamaları

İki aşamalı plastik geri dönüşüm peletleme makineleri, plastik atık malzemeleri geri dönüştürmek ve çeşitli plastik ürünlerin üretiminde kullanılabilecek peletlere dönüştürmek için kullanılır. Makinenin iki aşamalı tasarımı, plastik atıkların küçük parçalara ayrıldığı ve parçalanmış plastiğin eridiği, filtrelendiği ve peletlere dönüştürüldüğü ikinci bir aşamayı içerir.

  • İki aşamalı plastik geri dönüşüm peletleme makinelerinin bazı yaygın uygulamaları şunları içerir:

  • Plastik geri dönüşüm peletleme makinesi PP, PE, PET, PS, ABS, PA, PVC, PC, POM, EVA, PMMA ve diğer plastiklerin granülasyonunu geri dönüşüm ve karıştırma için kullanılır.

  • Plastik üretim: bu plastik geri dönüşüm peletleme makineleri tarafından üretilen geri dönüştürülmüş peletler, çanta, konteyner ve ambalaj malzemeleri gibi çeşitli plastik ürünlerin imalatında hammadde olarak kullanılabilir.

  • İnşaat: geri dönüştürülmüş plastik peletler, güverte, korkuluk ve diğer yapı malzemeleri yapmak için kullanılabilen plastik kereste üretimi için bir malzeme olarak inşaat endüstrisinde kullanılabilir.

  • Tekstil endüstrisi: geri dönüştürülmüş plastik peletler, tekstil endüstrisinde sentetik elyaf ve kumaş üretimi için bir malzeme olarak da kullanılabilir.

  • Otomotiv endüstrisi: geri dönüştürülmüş plastik peletler, panolar, tamponlar ve iç trim bileşenleri gibi çeşitli plastik parçalar üretmek için otomotiv endüstrisinde kullanılabilir.

Genel olarak, iki aşamalı plastik geri dönüşüm peletleme makineleri arasında önemli bir rol oynamaktadır.Plastik geri dönüşüm makinesi türleriPlastik atık malzemelerin geri dönüştürülmesinde ve bunları yararlı ürünlere dönüştürmede. Geri dönüştürülmüş plastik peletler kullanarak, işletmeler ve endüstriler çevresel etkilerini azaltabilir ve daha sürdürülebilir bir geleceğe katkıda bulunabilirler.

Video İki aşamalı plastik geri dönüşüm peletleme makinesi

Two-Stage Plastic Recycling Pelletizing Machine Specifications

Item No.

First Diameter(mm)


Second Diameter (mm)



Output (KG/H)






















As one of the reliable plastic recycling equipment manufacturers in China, GuoWang Eco plastic recycling pelletizing machine is a powerful and efficient solution for recycling plastic waste and transforming it into pellets that can be used in various industries. The video highlights the features and benefits of the machine, including its high capacity, ease of use, and energy efficiency. The machine's two-stage design involves shredding and melting the plastic waste, followed by filtering and pelletizing the molten plastic. 

The video demonstrates the plastic recycling pelletizing machine's performance and shows how it can significantly reduce plastic waste and contribute to a more sustainable future. Overall, the Two-Stage Plastic Recycling Pelletizing Machine is an innovative solution that can help businesses and industries reduce their environmental impact and improve their sustainability efforts.

Plastic Recycling Pelletizing Machine Manufacturer

1. Customized molding machinery

Guowang ECO has a large number of experts with plastic process expertise and mechanical design/manufacturing experience, including plastic cleaning, plastic granulation, extrusion injection molding. We can transform your ideas, suggestions and requirements into state-of-the-art plastic molding machinery that puts you ahead of your competition.

2. Product design

Guowang Environmental Protection has expertise and experience in plastic recycling and designing into large injection molding products, such as plastic pallet welding machines and other products. Our services include product design, from product specifications, 3D design renderings, finite element analysis, predictive performance and design drawings for mold makers.

3. Equipment acceptance and trial production

According to customer requirements, Guowang Environmental Protection will conduct preliminary acceptance of the equipment after the equipment is completed; when conditions permit, it can provide material laboratory services to test pressed products and provide short-term production.

4. Laboratory services

As one of the professional plastic recycling machine manufacturers, Guowang ECO has a well-equipped laboratory for mold or material testing for extrusion injection molding. Services include access to extrusion machinery, process technical support and limited physical testing.

5. Renovation and upgrading of old equipment

State Grid Ecology has the expertise and design capabilities to improve the performance of existing processing machinery. Retrofits and upgrades of older equipment including mechanical, electrical, control and hydraulic components. These services can be performed at your facility or our facility.

6. Training

Guowang ECO provides free training for customers' production and maintenance personnel, providing comprehensive courses on the operation, repair, troubleshooting and maintenance of each new machine. Retraining services are available upon request. Our machine manuals also include extensive training material.

Guowang ECO is a manufacturer of plastic machinery whose designs are tailored to each customer's unique requirements to help the technology industry grow.

Double Stage Plastic Granulator Working Principle

The principle of the plastic recycling granulator mainly relies on recycled raw materials (such as waste plastics, waste rubber, and waste metals) as raw materials, and regenerates them (or "recycling" and "reuse"), thereby reducing the waste of natural resources. A plastic recycling granulator is a machine that uses waste plastics to make extruded granules. These waste plastics can be objects of various shapes and sizes, such as beverage bottles, food containers, fruit boxes, plastic bags, book packaging, old clothes, old shoes, computer parts, etc.

The specific principle of the plastic recycling granulator is to crush these waste plastic objects first, then turn them into powder by extrusion, and then make them into the desired shape through a mold. Moreover, different molds can be used to make products of different sizes and shapes. Not only that, because waste plastics contain many different chemical substances, a variety of products can be produced through recycled granulators, and raw materials can be greatly saved.

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